Wonderful Saviour


This song actually took 5 or 6 years to write from start to finish! Part of the reason for that is, well, how do you adequately convey and express the wonder and greatness of who Jesus is in just one song?! It came to completion, by His grace, and because there’s something so significant and powerful about the Name of Jesus. About proclaiming who He is and all He has done.

As a church, our deep conviction and belief is that Jesus is indeed the answer to this broken world in need; and that it is in Him alone that we find hope, life and freedom.

In all that has been happening around us this year — the change, the trials, the challenges — it feels as though everything that can be shaken, has been shaken. Through it all, our Wonderful Saviour, Jesus, remains unshaken and unchanging, for He is steadfast, He is faithful and He remains the same yesterday, today and forever. The enemy will try to do everything he can to get our eyes and our focus off the Lord.

Our prayer is that this song would help you remember who Jesus is and fix your gaze upon Him again. That as you do this, your perspective would be made right, so that there can be a sense of hope for here and now, but also expectancy in looking to His triumphant return!

— Adam
November 2020

© 2019 Adam Ritchard / Vision Worship
CCLI #7153071


To God Be The Glory


There’s something about the old hymns.  They are timeless, in that they have been sung by the faithful for generations, and so many of them have such depth of truth, such richness of theology and point like an arrow directly to the Lord - who He is and all He has done.  To God Be The Glory is one of those hymns that stirs your heart and says something worth singing! Even though this is a contemporary version of the old hymn, the incredible words and powerful truths continue to ring true, and must be sung and proclaimed by His people today, just as they have been in generations past.

In times of trouble and uncertainty it can be easy to lose heart, or lose sight of what God has done and is doing.  But as we sing the truth of these words and remember afresh that in His love He has opened up the life gate for us; that He has accomplished a perfect and complete redemption for us through the blood of Jesus; that for all who believe in Jesus, there is forgiveness and life - what else could we do but burst forth in heartfelt praise to the Lord!

My prayer is that for us as His people, this would be a time of remembering and seeing afresh all that God has done and all that He is doing.  May ’to God be the glory’ be the theme and cry of our hearts - that in all things, at all times and in every way, He would have the glory!

’Not to us, O Lord, not to us but to Your Name be the glory, because of Your love and faithfulness’ (Psalm 115:1)

— Adam
September 2020

Original hymn by F. Crosby and W.H. Doane, 1875
© 2019 Arr. Adam Ritchard / Vision Worship
CCLI #7153908


Giants in the Land

Numbers 13:25-30; 14:6-9; Isaiah 55:8; Joshua 21:45; Ephesians 3:20


Worship for us as a church has always been significant, particularly in this season as we’ve been walking out the faith-stretching journey of moving into a new building, as well as navigating the troubled waters of COVID and its many impacts.  It’s when we worship, that our eyes are lifted towards the One who is greater than all, and our perspective is made right.

Having right perspective of who God is, and knowing His nature, is so important.  The story of God’s people rejecting God’s plan through incorrect perspective and lack of faith is a tragic, yet fascinating account in Scripture (Numbers 13-14).  God had promised to give His people the land, yet when they sent spies to survey it, all but two of them could only see the giants that lived in the land - the problems over the promises.  The size of the giants, instead of the greatness of God.  The response of Caleb and Joshua was one full of faith - knowing that the Lord was more than able to do that which He had said He would do.  Only Joshua and Caleb entered the Promised Land from their generation.

We are called to be a people who live with right perspective - a deep conviction, trust and confidence that God is able, that He is faithful and that He is true.  There may be giants you are facing right now, there may be some mountains that seem to be in the way - our prayer is that in the midst of that, you would lift your eyes afresh and see the greatness of God - the One who is indeed able, faithful and true.  AND, that even if the circumstances don’t seem to change, or the breakthrough hasn’t yet come, that you would bring an offering of praise - even before you see the very breakthrough you are longing for.

He is the One who makes a way.  He is the One who fulfils His promises.  He is the One who will prevail.  We pray that your heart would be stirred with fresh hope, expectancy and trust in the Lord in this season.

— Adam
September 2020

© 2019 Adam Ritchard / Vision Worship
CCLI #7153070



Adam Ritchard — Lead vocal / Guitar
Brendan van der Spek — Backing vocal / Guitar
Jolyon Cox — Video / Audio
Paul Shanovski — Video